Shotcrete machine is well known in the construction machinery industry in the application of very broad, it appears a lot of people to make a contribution, and now the spraying machines are high-tech,
Dry-mix shotcrete machine, is a name used to designate a mixture of 1 part Portland Cement and 4 parts sand thoroughly mixed dry, passed through a gunite machine, and conveyed by air through a rubber
Shotcrete machine is well known in the construction machinery industry in the application is very broad, it appears a lot of people to make a contribution, and now the spraying machines are high-tech,
Wet shotcrete machine is a mechanical device vegetation greening, mainly used for highway slope greening, green mine, desertification control, slope protection, governance, mountain landfill treatment
In Shotcrete Machine industry personnel are aware, mortar spraying machine is a various conditions of quality pumps, There are six mortar spraying machine “feature “
Primer is used to enhence the adhesion of thermoplastic road marking paint and ground, play a role similar to double-sided adhesive tape. Primer is just used for the thermoplastic road marking paint,
©China Mining&Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. © 2016
Address:No. 11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Executive Editor:Zhang Wen